Tuesday 7 April 2015

Say No to Hate!


In the last few weeks, I have witnessed depths of hate poured out on social media. It has to be said, the Nigerian elections have brought out the meanest, most vicious parts of many people I know, and quite a number that I do not know. It has been really sickening to see people turn on each other. Whether people know each other or not, numerous social media sites have been turned into platforms upon which to vilify each other. I am not going to attempt to quantify that amount of vitriol that has been poured on people over these past few weeks, but suffice it to say that it is much too much!

And why? Why this hate frenzy?

It is because we are on opposite sides of the fence, opposite sides of the tracks. It is because we do not see things the same way, because we have different opinions and beliefs, because we have different candidates for political office.

I say again, Yikes!

For those of us that are Christians, we might need reminding that in the fullness of time, we will give account of every word that we speak on this side of eternity (Matthew 12:36). We might also need to hear the Lord saying “Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. As my servant, you must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.” (2 Timothy 2:23-24). We might need to revisit the admonition in the Word not to use the same tongue that we praise our Lord and Father to curse our fellow human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? (James 3:9-10)

We are salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). Salt must remain pure to do its job. Getting low down and dirty with the 'opposition' is not remaining pure, it is allowing the salt to get contaminated and the scripture says that contaminated salt is good for nothing. Please hear me, I am not saying shirk your responsibility to stand for the truth just for the sake of keeping the peace. To know the truth and fail to stand for it, Jesus says, is as senseless as lighting a lamp and putting it under a basket. We have a responsibility to be proactive in society and address issues, but we must remain within the confines of what God’s word allows. No matter how strongly you feel about a topic, do not let fleshly desire overrule good sense...

'Being salt and light in this age means contending responsibly for godly standards wherever they are under assault,' Tom Minnery writes in Why You Can’t Stay Silent: A Biblical Mandate to Shape Our Culture. The emphasis on the word responsibly is mine. We have to go about our contending responsibly.

Meanwhile, as we canvass so diligently for our candidates, throwing absolutes around like confetti at a wedding, we might want to ask ourselves how well we really know them. I mean, really. Politics is tricky business...  whether we want to accept it or not, our candidate might really be in it for fame, money, power, and self-aggrandizement. Is it really worth it to get into virtual fisticuffs for this person?

Okay, I hear you, die-hard believer, you are 100% sure of his motives. Fantastic. You are right and the other party is wrong, you are 101% sure of it. Great. The Bible still has some advice for you. Proverbs 26:4 says, do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him. In my words, put your stand out there, but do not lower yourself to the other guy’s level. If he begins to sling mud and disparage your person, do not get in the ring with him. Don't use the same language as the fool does or you will be like him. Don’t meet him at his level. Stay way ahead of him, well above him. Just disagree without being disagreeable. That’s wisdom. That’s what is required of us.

In a matter of days, elections will be history, but many relationships will be broken irreparably. Many who have been ‘unfriended’ will never again be friends. Many others have poisoned minds and hearts of people who they have never met but who they might have otherwise influenced for good...and for God.

So, this is my appeal...say no to hate, both on and off social media. Enough of the name-calling, pettiness and insults. By all means, stand for the truth. Put it out there. But be prepared for people to disagree...they are going to anyway.

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